Contrast. This is one of the main demands of the pin up style, as only making one of those hairdos cannot change your appearance significantly – if you want to get this effect, of course. Bright red or black, white or brown – it doesn’t matter which color you will pick, the only thing you should remember is the intensity of the color. Preserve it carefully after dying or just take a good care of your natural hair.

The classic style of the pin-up originates back from the 1940s. Due to the shortages of materials during WWII, this period of makeup is considered the "natural beauty" look.[20] The US was immersed in war-time economy, which put distribution restrictions on consumer goods.[21] General rationing was supported; women applied mild amounts of products. Despite the rations, "Women were encouraged to keep buying lipstick and to send letters to the front covered in 'lipstick kisses' to boost the morale of the soldiers."
