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"Here at Unique Vintage, we firmly believe that a lady can never wear too much lace, and there’s nothing more charming than a good flared skirt. We support this philosophy by giving you an ever-expanding selection of feminine frocks featuring our favorite girly details. Unique Vintage also carries a large variety of cute and casual dresses for daily wear, including flared options with polka dots., halter tops and classic collars. Whether you’re spending a romantic day in the park with your main squeeze or acting as a modern working gal in a casual office setting, Unique Vintage’s pinup dresses are a demure, feminine way to look perfectly put together.
Polished curls, sleek, smooth waves, delicate pin curls and mind-blowing Victory rolls look extremely sexy and often glamorous. Want to upgrade the chosen retro hairstyle? Think of an intriguing hair color solution to add to your look. Throw in some pink and black highlights into blonde hair or try the pastel hair trend. Here are some cutest hairstyles to check.
You’ll want to start with one day post-washed hair. If you have cleaned and conditioned hair, it’ll be too ‘fluffy’ and light unless you use loads of hairspray and back-combing (which isn’t great for your hair by the way). Grab your sections from the front half of your head and pin the rest out the way or hold it back with a ponytail. Split in half and you have the two chunks you’ll be transforming.
That’s where reproduction boutiques come in. Many shops have popped up within the last decade to reproduce items from the post-war time period, some even using original patterns and fabrics. If you’re looking to try out a pillbox hat like Midge Maisel, interested in a classic red lipstick, or thinking of going full pinup, there are lots of options at myriad price points, not to mention styles and sizes for many bodies. 