Pin up curls seem to look like the classic Hollywood ones, but they have some differences. The first ones should look cold, tight, and shiny, if following the path of our stylish predecessors without any changes. The Hollywood curls represents a light variant of pin up style, and so they don’t need firm setting styling or a lot of time. However, we suppose that every girl, who adores those Hollywood waves, will like the pin up curls as well!
RebelsMarket will always have all of the hottest trends in pin up inspired dresses at cheap prices. We cut out the hassle of having to shop at multiple stores and give you the ultimate selection of pin up style clothing and accessories for women and girls so you can complete your entire outfit in one shopping trip from the comfort of your own living room.
The classic style of the pin-up originates back from the 1940s. Due to the shortages of materials during WWII, this period of makeup is considered the "natural beauty" look.[20] The US was immersed in war-time economy, which put distribution restrictions on consumer goods.[21] General rationing was supported; women applied mild amounts of products. Despite the rations, "Women were encouraged to keep buying lipstick and to send letters to the front covered in 'lipstick kisses' to boost the morale of the soldiers."